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Car Wash Business Plan Sample
Company Plan

Company Plan



Company Overview

Our car wash business was first launched with a single site purchased using a combination of personal loans and credit card debt on the part of our company founder and current president.

From those humble beginnings our car wash business has grown to include ten separate locations in five local towns. Since the beginning our strategy has been to locate our car washes in high trafficked locations, and this business strategy has paid off quite handsomely.

Part of our goal has also been to purchase our properties with as little long term debt as possible, and we feel that this aversion to long term debt has been an integral part of he success of our car wash business.  

Apart from the initial founding of the car wash business using credit cards and personal loans, our company has largely been able to avoid long term debt during its growth period.


The future objectives of our car wash business include the desire to open still more car washes in highly desirable locations throughout the region.  We have carefully studied the car wash offerings of our area, and we feel that the area is still somewhat underserved.

In particular we feel that opening a number of car wash businesses close to major employers will help us capture a new market and grow our profits.

We have also found that locating new car wash businesses near local car dealers can help us to capture the business of the employees and customers of those operations, and we have embarked on an aggressive campaign to find suitable locations for the new operations.


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